Hallux Limitus/Rigidus

Hallux Limitus/Rigidus
(Big toe joint arthritis)

Hallux Limitus/Rigidus refers to a limitation of motion at the big toe joint. The exact cause of this condition is not clear but factors that may contribute to reduction in motion at this joint include structural features of the bones themselves, biomechanical influences such as a pronatory or flat foot type, arthritis and bone spurs, and trauma. There is almost always some degree of degenerative joint disease. Classically the joint is painful, often accompanied by swelling and skin irritation from footwear.

Radiographs are able to show progressive changes associated with degenerative joint disease, however they are not able to show damage to the joint cartilage, which is almost always present. Surgery is aimed at decompressing the joint and removing as much of the bone spurs or fragments as possible. Often it is necessary to perform an osteotomy of the first metatarsal in order to help correct structural components of the condition. Interposition of soft tissue into the joint itself may also be performed.

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